IPod at the ready.

Whenever i exercise i like to have a good playlist ready but find after a short while those songs just don't bring up the goosebumps like they used to.
High energy house and dance are usually the tracks that get my arse off the couch and going for a good walk. Especially if there is great verse and chorus.

I'll be in the gym on day two of this journey, im feeling a bit better this evening after fearing a flu was creeping up on me. It seems to have given me leave to really get started and make progress.

So, most of us do some form of exercise and most of us have an IPod or similar device to work with. My question to you is this; What music works for you when your exercising? Give me some of your favourites in the comments so i can go and see if they inspire. These tracks should really be the kind that help me forget that im working out - intially anyway. I'm sure to get used to the habit of regularly exercising but a musical boost should do the trick.


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